Canadian Health Care Mall: Importance of Fruits in Medicine

natural nutritionFrom the earliest times fruit, fresh and dried up, made natural nutrition of the person. Being rich with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes they besides are easily digested. Fruit is not only a source of healthy nutrition, but also are used as the way of treatment in dietary nutrition. Fresh fruit and freshly cooked juice are successfully used for restoration of organism’s water balance. The insignificant content of sodium is very important for people for whom the sodium-restricted diet is necessary. Therefore the use of fresh fruit every day is recommended to pregnant women.

Dried fruit, such as apricots and the raisin is the real storeroom of calcium, iron that favorably affects the condition of bone tissue and blood. Apples also serve as the excellent supplier of calcium. Therefore the use of fresh juice is recommended to patients.

A small amount of fruit (1 – 2 in day) promote clarification of digestive tract and facilitate work of intestines. It is known fact that fruit is useful and effective in vitamins supply for the organism but if there is no opportunity to eat fresh fruits you may replace them with vitamins sold by Canadian Health Care Mall.

Guava, apples, lemons and oranges are excellent suppliers of vitamin C and other vitamins, at their fresh use. Papaya is also an excellent source of Vitamin C and carotene which in an organism will be transformed into vitamin A. Fruits should be used only mature and fresh. You shouldn’t cook them as it leads to loss of nutrients, salts and vitamins. In ideal it is necessary to use one sort for once. Many like to eat fruit with milk for breakfast. It isn’t recommended to combine fruit and vegetables at the same time. If you, nevertheless, have to do it, it is recommended to take more fruit. Such fruit as apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate improves heart work. Substances of apple and mango improve memory and are used for prevention of diseases of nervous system (overfatigue, sleeplessness, hysteria, etc.). Such diseases also should be treated with the help of qualified drugs ordered via Canadian Health Care Mall.

All sorts of berries are rich with iron, phosphorus and sodium which influence well blood and nervous systems. It is good to apply lemons at liver diseases, diarrhea and rheumatism. Water-melons are excellent as kidney means. Pineapple and pomegranates help at inflammatory diseases of nasopharynx, hay fever and many chronic diseases of respiratory system. Grapefruit juice helps well at cold-related diseases. Fresh mature fruits of grapes, banana and apples are recommended at brain insufficiency of any etiology. It is good to use at such states walnut as well. The daily use of any amount of fruit provides good health and vigor, and also promotes longevity.

Category: Canadian Health&Care Mall

Tags: fruit, vitamins