Canadian Health&Care Mall about How to Increase Female Libido

Female Sexual DysfunctionLibido is a desire of carrying out a sexual intercourse, but it appears not always and it becomes not a rare problem of family relationship.
The statistics demonstrates that about 40% of women of reproductive age suffer from female sexual dysfunction, the most widespread of which is the lowered libido. And such data don’t console at all those at whom during some period of life sexual appetite has suddenly disappeared or has weakened. Fortunately, there are many ways, quite available and safe for health, to raise a libido. But before to solve this problem, it is worth studying its reasons which in many respects depend on a way of life.

Causes of Sexual Desire Decrease

These reasons can be divided on:

  • physical;
  • mental.

Such periods belong to physical causes as:

Here it is possible to refer also influence of some medicines: contraceptives and antidepressants. You may find remedies for mentioned above diseases on Canadian Health&Care Mall, online store shipping drugs internationally.


But after all in 80% of cases sexual desire at women decreases because of psychological factors. It is stress or long depression including postnatal. These are problems in relations with the partner or personal crisis, etc.

But more often it is the whole complex of:

  • stress;
  • problems in relations;
  • fatigue at work;
  • reception of antidepressants.

Therefore first of all for the solution of sexuality problems it is necessary to pay attention to nervous system and health in general.
Rest and communication promote increase of libido.

Often, for woman it is necessary to have constantly rest from habitual actions. Therefore it is important to get enough sleep and to have a rest regularly from daily efforts.

How to Raise Female Libido?

Sexual Dysfunction TreatmentMassage

Canadian Health&Care Mall recommends also nightly relaxation:

  • fragrant bathroom;
  • favourite music;
  • massage.

All this will help to be adjusted on the necessary harmony.

Except fatigue to woman also problems in relations with the partner prevent to relax. Half-words and quarrels destroy family sexual life practically always. And first of all sexuality of woman suffers from it because she is more emotional.

Good informal conversation is in that case simply necessary. If it is still perhaps such conversation has to take place with partner. But not in the form of scandal with claims, and confidential conversation. It is necessary to analyse together common problems and to look for ways of their decision. If it is already impossible, help of psychologist can be necessary.

It is normal practice and quicker the relations will be improved, rather the pleasure of intimate relations will return.

Category: Erectile Dysfunction

Tags: depression, erectile dysfunction, Libido, women's health